GynTect® and cervical cancer

An abnormal result during the annual Pap smear – Pap III or Pap IIID – may lead to uncertainty in women: do I get cancer? Do I need surgery?

An HPV test may reduce the uncertainty for some of these women: in case of a negative result the probability for cancer is very low!  A positive test result, however, also only in few cases indicates a precancerous lesion or cancer.

GynTect® may provide clarity!

For patients

Cervical cancer is still among the most frequent cancers in women worldwide. Cervical cancer is, however, very well treatable, because the disease develops very slowly.

For gynecologists

In Germany more than 200,000 women receive a Pap smear cytology result Pap III or Pap IIID. Triage by HPV testing can only reduce uncertainty for those women tested negative. Patients with abnormal Pap smear and positive HPV test want clarification…..

For diagnostic laboratories

With GynTect we provide a molecular test on the basis of epigenetic markers, which allows the triage of patients with abnormal Pap smear and subsequent positive HPV test result.